
【111-1 NCU EMI Workshop】EMI teacher empowerment training workshop x Fulbright

EMI teacher empowerment training workshop x American Academic Exchange Foundation(Fulbright)

To help teachers become more familiar with English Medium Instruction (EMI) and how to create an EMI environment in class, the center and Fulbright Taiwan have organized workshops for EMI teachers.
The information of the first workshop is as follows. Please encourage and recommend EMI teachers, especially new teachers, and teachers who are interested in EMI are also welcome to attend.
Topic:EMI Basic Training I
Date:September 21, 2022 (Wed) 3p.m.-5p.m.
Venue:Room TRA-204, Teaching&Researching Building
Mr. Ramon Mislang-
* Master of Arts in TESOL
* Middlebury Institute of International Studies, CA
Ms. Dejah Crystal-
* Master of Arts in TESOL
* National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
* 2021-2022 TEFL advisor in Foundation for Scholarly Exchange